International Court Rejects Costa Rican Demand against Nicaragua

Managua, Mar 8 (Prensa Latina) The International Court of Justice of Le Hague pushed the demand presented by Costa Rica so that Nicaragua stops the dredging of the Saint John River, which serves as common border in part of its path between these two central American countries.

In opinion of the judge, it is not possible to conclude that the works of dredging of the river are provoking environmental damages to the territory of Costa Rica, says the text in Le Hague Tuesday and reproduced in this capital.

This report is coherent with the absolute sovereignty that Nicaragua exercises on the river, ratified even by the international court with its head office in this Dutch metropoli, and reiterates the right of the authorities of Managua to continue the cleaning of the river, to returning this river its original wealth.

The International Court said that both Nicaragua and Costa Rica must abstain from sending military or civil personnel to the territory in dispute until solving it definitively.

Costa Rica claims a minuscule piece of sandy ground located in the San Juan River, which went out to the surface because of the loss of water wealth of the river, but Nicaragua insists that it is a part of its territory.

The sovereign rights of Nicaragua on this fluvial route are placed in the Jerez-Cañas agreement of limits signed in 1858, and in later instruments, the a Cleveland and Alexander Agreements, ratified all in July 2009 by the International Court.

The Court, on the other hand, granted Costa Rica the possibility of sending civil personnel to the zone where the dredging is made if it considers it necessary to avoid environmental damages to its territory, but always informing previously the Nicaraguan authorities of its intentions and in consultation with the Ramsar Convention.

Finally, it pointed out that every part must abstain from any action that could aggravate the current situation, and the two countries must report the fulfillment of the stated measures, according to the text of the report spread here.

Between the first reactions to the decision, the representative of Nicaragua in Le Hague, Carlos Argüello, qualified it as a big victory, which opens the doors to its country.

Mauricio Herdocia, an expert in international laws who has closely followed the dispute, added that the most positive thing for Nicaragua is that the dredging of the river has not stopped.

“The decision has been positive for both countries, quite balanced, with a strong dose of caution on behalf of the Court and in a line that ” I believe it is very correct “, he estimated.

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